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MidCentral Medical Mobile Base Arm and Hand Tables, with Locking Casters

$2,005.00 - $2,205.00
: MidCentral Medical
: MCM Mobile Base Arm and Hand Tables
: New
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MidCentral Medical Mobile Base Arm and Hand Tables, with Locking Casters

Our most popular size and shape of Arm/Hand table is the rectangle. Large 18" x 32" operating surface with excellent c-arm capabilities make this a first choice. Several different options are available to secure this unit to the table or stretcher.

  • Roll Up: This option simply rolls up to the OR table or stretcher and is held in place by the locking casters. Works for performing surgery on OR table, stretcher and/or stretcher chair.
  • Clamps: Includes our integral posi-lock clamps to ensure that the table remains securely attached to the OR table during surgery. A great option if you are performing surgery strictly on an OR table.
  • Underpad: Has a longer portion that can slide under the pad of the OR table or stretcher and is held in place by the patients weight. Works for performing surgery on OR table, stretcher and/or stretcher chair.

Product Specifications:

  • Mobile Base provides enhanced stability and mobility for surgeries on stretchers and OR Tables.
  • Optional Clamps available for added stability when using on OR Table or stretchers with side rail.
  • Available in Hourglass or Rectangle Shape to accomodate a wide range of procedures.
  • Radiolucent, offering exceptional C-arm imaging quality.
  • Hourglass shape expands the ends of the table to 24″ to enhance the surgeon’s comfort.
  • Height adjustment from 32″-47″